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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/30/2010
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 30, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Michael Genest and Eric Tenney
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. David Duffy stated that he would be tape recording the meeting.
  • Mr. Genest motioned and Mr. Tenney seconded to approve the August 16, 2010 BOS meeting minutes.  Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Genest motioned and Mr. Tenney seconded to approve the August 16, 2010 BOS Non-public meeting minutes.  Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Genest updated the board on the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee and stated that they are still looking at the size and costs of elementary schools.  He stated that Craig Hicks put on a presentation of the teachers proposed contract and spoke a bout the evergreen clause that came into effect a couple of years ago.
Mr. Webber gave an up date on the Planning Board meeting as said that they had acted on a lot line adjustment request.
  • Mr. Tenney and Mr. Haggett stated that the discussion concerning the gym flooring would be held off until the September 13, 2010 meeting.
  • Mr. Stearns presented the board with the resignation of Sophie Beausoleil as the Administrative Assistant for the Police Department effective October 20, 2010.  Mr. Genest motioned and Mr. Webber seconded to accept her resignation with appreciation for her service to the Town.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns reported that the crosswalks have been painted.  Mr. Duffy and Mr. Gutgesell questioned the board why the Town contracted with an outside firm to paint the crosswalks when in the past the Highway Department has painted them.  Mr. Webber explained that the Town tried to purchase the paint and was unable to buy it and that it was quicker to contract with a company that could obtain the paint in order to have the crosswalks painted before the start of school and Home and Harvest.
  • Mr. Stearns gave the board an update on the financial status of the accounts as of the end of August.  Mr. Genest requested that the board be given a print out of the revenues to date, Mr. Stearns will make copies for the board.
  • Mr. Stearns stated that Landsite will start the completion of Water Street bridge next week.
  • A letter and report was received from the Hillsborough County Commissioners on the Design Charrette that they have completed.
  • Mrs. Thelma Nichols spoke to the board concerning the war monument which had been moved to the Fire Department in 2007.  She stated that the Historical Society hjas repeatedly been asked why this has not been fixed .  She told the board that the statue was moved outside at some point and is being stored on uneven ground which could cause further damage to the statue.  The board was asked to grant permission to allow Mr. Bouley to move the statue at no cost to the Town to the Ryme’s hanger in Deering for storage again at no cost to the Town.  Mr. Genest motioned to allow the war monument to be stored in the Ryme’s hanger in Deering and to accept the donation of the storage and moving.  Mr. Tenney seconded.  Passed 3/0
  • A letter was received from Ms. Ann Edwards with an updated quotation for the stonewall repair for $6,600 where the board had approved $6,300 at the last meeting.  Mr. Webber motioned to expend up to $6,600 for the repair, Mr. Genest seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0
Mr. Duffy –
  • Fuel “spill” at the Highway garage including cost of clean up.  Mr. Duffy stated that this was not a fuel spill but rather a fuel tank leaking and stated that the Road agent had been informed of this in December.
  • Town deficit and status of the forensic audit.  Mr. Duffy stated that he was satisfied with the previous financial update and asked about the status of the audit.  Mr. Webber stated that Town counsel was handling this matter at this time.
  • Crosswalks in town.  Mr. Duffy stated that this subject had been adequately covered earlier in the meeting.
  • Horrible condition of roads in town.  Mr. Duffy presented the board with pictures on various roads with potholes and shoulder / drainage issues.  Mr. Webber stated that because of the deficit, the Road Agent had severely cut his budget for this year to help off-set the deficit and that this was presented and well know at Town Meeting.  Mr. Duffy stated that a lot of these issues are routine maintenance that is not getting done and should be, he mentioned that Holt Hill road should be swept and that Water Street needs to be addressed at which point Mr. Johnson spoke up about the bad dust situation and how the dust was intolerable.  Mr. Duffy asked what the status of the Old North Branch Bridge project was and if it would be completed this year.  Mr. Webber stated that due to an aerial easement requirement by the PUC that the project was being delayed until next year.  Mr. Duffy asked what any FEMA request were for this year and what monies that Town has received back from FEMA, Mr. Stearns stated that he did not know the exact figures but would get the information.
  • Availability of Selectboard minutes. Mr. Duffy stated that he has been shown where to find the minutes on the Town website.
  • The Board received a request from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to have Mr. Ray Ledgerwood appointed as an alternate to the ZBA.  Mr. Genest motioned to appoint Mr. Ledgerwood as an alternate to the ZBA, Mr. Tenney seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Stearns informed the board that he has received a request from a political candidate requesting to be on the agenda to meet the board and discuss his candidacy and asked if the board wanted to allow this.  The board does not want to have candidates for office use the meeting as a platform.
  • Mr. Webber stated that Mr. Raymond the owner of 46 Main Street has approached the Planning Board about having a parking lot where the building burned down earlier this year and wants to know if it can be combined with the Town parking lot.  Will have to look into the liability and the ramifications of a joint parking lot.
  • Ms. Jeanie Baker asked if there was any update on the signage that was requested along Gregg Lake Road at the last meeting.  Mr. Stearns will follow up on this request.
  • Non-Public Session, Mr. Webber moved and Mr. Tenney seconded to enter into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3: II c & e Reputations and Legal. Roll call vote – Mr. Webber “yes”, Mr. Tenney “yes”.  The board went into non-public at 7:22 PM and returned to public session at 7:58 PM
There being no further business, the Mr. Tenney motioned to adjourn, Mr. Webber seconded, passed 2/0 at 7:58 PM.